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Whether it's stability, onboarding new users, clearing out an infestation of bots - TRUST can help you with all of this, and more.

20 Million
Transactions per Day
13 Million
Source of TRUST
How does TRUST help
Feature Image - Remove Bots
Remove Bots
Identify and eliminate any malicious bots interacting with your Web3 dApp.
Feature Image - Foster Community
Foster Community
Build your community with TRUST. When you can trust your community, they can trust each other.
Feature Image - Fight Manipulation
Fight Manipulation
Map out price fixing and token hoarding networks.
Types of TRUST
Something for every project
Bot Detection
The core feature of TRUST helps projects identify bots. TRUST is trained on tens of millions of transactions per day. This helps it identify common patterns that are both historic, and emerging.

Bots can destroy Web3 projects before they get off the ground. Try TRUST before the bots overwhelm your ecosystem.
Speed Matters
The TRUST scoring system is updated on a daily basis. That isn't always fast enough. With real-time two-way connections, we can analyze new wallets in real time.

Real-time TRUST can analyze specific projects on a per project basis. This helps us understand how and why new wallets are interacting with your projects.
Customized dApp Analysis
Sometimes you have your own data that you may want to include in your own version of the TRUST model. With Customized TRUST, we can help you deploy in-house versions of TRUTS that apply our models to your data.

*enterprise exclusive

User Testimonials

How does TRUST make people feel?

TRUST is a valuable Web3 service that facilitates dApps in identifying and understanding their users.
Why am I only hearing about this now? This is something that should have been created a long time ago, it solves a real problem for almost every dApp.

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